July 27, 2024

Mountain cottage chimney made of bricks on the roof

There are a big number of reasons why your chimneys need to be kept clean. The primary job of a chimney sweep services is to remove the blockages, creosote buildup, and soot from the chimney. Furthermore, they also reach out to the other parts of the chimney that include damper smoke chamber, firebox, liner, an a lot more. As a result of this, the chimney works safely and heats the entire house efficiently. Not cleaning chimneys on time can be a big hazard as it can result in chimney fires.

Though, it is quite unfortunate that a big number of people do not understand the importance of cleaning the chimneys on time. Sometimes, it only takes a small amount of creosote to create a chimney fire. This is primarily because creosote is a highly flammable material which builds up inside the chimney lining. The prime reason of its buildup is the burning of wood.

In case you do not practice good wood burning habits, this buildup of creosote can be even greater. So, we suggest you to ensure great wood burning practices.

Everything that you should know about chimney cleaning

Different types of wood also result in a different rate of creosote buildup. Usually, high quality wood will not cause a buildup so easily. For instance, pine wood results in a very rapid build-up whereas other woods do not cause such a fast buildup.

Creosote buildup can also reduce the heating efficiency of a fireplace by reducing the draw.

How often should you schedule chimney inspection?

In general, chimney inspection should be scheduled at least once every year before the start of the heating season. However, if you happen to use your fireplace a lot, then it is recommended to get an inspection after every 4 to 6 months.

This way, you can ensure that safety of your fireplace, home, and the people that you love. Apart from the chimney itself, it is important to clear and clean other venting systems that are connected to stoves and furnaces for safe operation.

Even if you do not use your fireplace that often, experts recommend you to get chimney inspection at least once every year. During these inspections, a professional inspector may be able to figure out any defects in the chimney or issues that need action. Even if cleaning is not required, knowing these issues beforehand can actually save you a lot of money in the long run. With that, it will also ensure safe operation of the chimney.

What is the best time?

In general, the start of the winter season every year is considered to be the best time for chimney inspection. Furthermore, if you have just recently built a chimney and a fireplace, then perhaps you still need to get it checked before turning it on. Do remember that safe operation here is the key, as it will prevent you and your loved ones from a chimney fire.

Since chimney fires are dangerous and very difficult to stop, that is the last thing that you want to deal with. So, do whatever you can to avoid them.

Ending note

In this article, we have talked about the importance of chimney cleaning and everything that you need to know as a house owner. Now, it is your responsibility to call chimney contractors Columbia MD and get your chimney inspected every year. Otherwise, you may be in a lot of danger. Ultimately, this will not only keep you safe but will also save you a lot of money from any potential damages that are unseen. By knowing them beforehand, you can fix them before they become bigger.

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