September 13, 2024

Hand, wrist, and elbow injuries are very common, especially if you use these joints a lot in sports or other activities. This is why you need to look for the symptoms of golfer’s elbow and go to an orthopedic surgeon when needed. Here is everything you need to know about this injury.

What Is Golfer’s Elbow?

Golfer’s elbow, also known medically as medial epicondylitis, is an elbow injury where you feel pain in the inside region of the elbow, where the hollow joint of the arm is present. The main reason for the excruciating pain is the irritation and the misalignment of the tendons and they tend to attach themselves to the bone of the elbow. That is why, whenever you try to move your arm, wrist, or elbow, it causes pain in the affected area.

The pain is radiating, because these tendons are attached to the lower part of the forearm, which also leads to the wrist and fingers, so you may feel pain up to your wrist if the movement is too sudden or the injury is too severe.

Along with pain, your grip on things may not be the best and you will also feel soreness and tingling in the inside region of the elbow.

Causes Of Golfer’s Elbow

Here are some causes of golfer’s elbow:

  • Your elbow and wrist can be affected adversely if you play tons of sports where there is a lot of movement and jerks of the hand involved.
  • If you are a fan of playing racket or tennis, then this can be a recurring problem and you will feel pain in the elbow and arm.
  • People who do a lot of weight lifting and training and put too much stress on their hands are probably going to suffer from golfer’s elbow.
  • If you do a lot of handy work, like hammering, carpentry, and other things and you use your arm to exert a lot of force, like bashing things with a hammer or sledgehammer, then you can be prone to experiencing pain in the elbow and arm and that can lead up down to the wrist and fingers as well.
  • Obesity is also another huge cause of golfer’s elbow. Your bones can only handle a certain amount of weight and if you put too much weight on your hands and try to do strenuous activities with it, then you can injure the area.
  • Older age is also a huge factor in this condition. Your bones can get weaker as you get older, so it puts you at risk of golfer’s elbow and other pertaining elbow injuries.
  • If you have a prior bone injury or bone disease, then this can also aggravate golfer’s elbow.

Symptoms Of Golfer’s Elbow

Here are some symptoms of golfer’s elbow:

  • You could experience pain in the inside of your elbow and the pain will aggravate as you try to move it around too much.
  • You could feel pain radiating down to your inner forearm.
  • You can feel tenderness in the elbow area where the pain is occurring. This is because the nerve endings are also affected.
  • You can experience swelling and redness around the elbow area.
  • You can experience numbness in the elbow region and the area leading down. This is quite serious and you need to see a doctor immediately.

Treatment Options For golfer’s Elbow

Here are some treatments for golfer’s elbow:

  • You need to put your elbow at rest and try to give it time to heal.
  • Physical therapy helps a lot, especially if you’re having too many problems moving your elbow.
  • Pain medication can help you and it can be taken wherever you feel like the pain is too much to bear.
  • Hot and cold compresses will do wonders for golfer’s elbow. You will feel the pain diminish in no time.
  • Elbow surgery is not necessary unless the injury is too severe.

There you have it! Although this injury doesn’t keep you from resuming life activities like normal, it can still be an unpleasant situation to be in and you need to treat it properly in order to feel better. Start by visiting an elbow specialist Woodbridge who will perform a checkup and guide you through the treatment.

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