July 26, 2024

Four years have passed, and America has gotten a new chance to rewrite its fate. Election of 2020 won’t be the same as previous elections, because the pandemic has changed a lot of things and perspectives people. The election is on 3 November and people are waiting for final Trump vs. Biden polls.

For many new young voters, the 2020 election is their first time voting. First time doing anything is exhilarating but also confusing.

How Can Voters Vote?

  • They can vote by mails
  • They can vote on early voting sites
  • They can go to polling areas

If you are going to polling stations, then here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Find out when and where are you going to vote
  • Search your ballot
  • Take your ID with you

At polling stations, there would be long lines, and you have to be patient for your turn. This year has already taught us a lot of patience. So, keep your ID in your hands as searching it in your wallet and pocket would take time and this would cause distress to others.

To Save Time

  • More people will be present for observation
  • New electronic poll books will be current for voters check-in

As everybody knows this is the first election happening in a pandemic, so everyone must take personal health care measures.

Safety Measures At The Polling Station

  • Voters will line up six feet apart
  • Extra space between voting machines
  • Plastic sheets around poll workers
  • And lots of hand sanitizer

How Can Ballots Be Spoilt?

As new voters, young people are always stressed about what if they do something wrong, that would cancel their vote. So if you don’t want to cancel your vote, avoid doing these things:

  • Failing to mark the ballot paper
  • Filling the ballot paper not according to the voting system
  • Filling the ballot in a manner that makes the decision of the voter unclear
  • Physically deforming the ballot paper

When Will We Know About The Results?

According to election officials, the Americans will not know the results of the election at the night of Election Day. The results announced on the same night of polling are considered unofficial.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are voting by mail, so counting of votes will take more than usual. It can be more than a week or month.

Who Will Announce The Results Of The Election?

The winner of the election is announced unofficially by news organizations on the same night. But official results are declared by several news organizations which depends upon the information provided by staff members of the election team and people supervising the polling.

Now everyone is concerned that who will win and how will he change the destiny of America? It can be good or bad.

Who Is Ahead? Biden Or Trump?

As we have reached in the final weeks of the election, the polls companies are engaging with people to know about their preference.

According to these polls:

Biden is leading the national presidential polls

It is a good sign for Biden as it shows how much the candidate is popular among the public, but still, it cannot tell the real winner.

Who Is Leading In The Battlefield States?

At this moment, Biden is leading, but there is still time till election so things can take turn, especially when Trump is involved.

Scenario: A Clear Biden Win

The present situation shows that Biden is quite popular among the public as the poll results are on his side. And if Biden succeeds to gain votes from North Carolina and Florida, then Colorado and Arizona won’t be a challenging game for him.

And if he reaches the 270 electoral votes boundary by the dawn, then it is a sure success of Biden.

Scenario: A Clear Trump Win

According to the available poll results, the position of Trump is not good. But the actual work can be opposite to it. People might be ashamed to tell their opinions to pollsters, and deep down, they are supporting Trump.


The result of the election cannot be predicted, so to some extent, we cannot expect what the future holds for us. We can vote for the person we think is best and keep ourselves updated with Trump vs. Biden Ohio polls. We hope that whatever happens is best for the country and the people of the United Stated of America.

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