July 27, 2024

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Hip replacement surgeries are never a piece of cake to handle for both patients and hip orthopedic specialists. Here is what you should know before going through with a hip replacement surgery.

What Is Hip Replacement Surgery?

Many people go through with hip replacement surgeries. Our hip joint has a box which is known as ball and socket joint. This joint box helps to move the hips around and make you feel comfortable when you sit down. If your hip is injured or if you have hip arthritis, then you might feel like you can’t do it for longer periods of time. You will feel extreme pain in the hip region and you will not be able to stand either. This is the complication of the hip. In hip replacement surgeries, the ball and socket joints are replaced with man-made prosthetics. The ball and socket can lose its flexibility and its cartilaginous wall can deplete, so this is why hip replacement surgery becomes necessary, otherwise you will feel extreme pain and difficulty in movement.

Things You Should Know Before Hip Replacement Surgery

Here are some things you should know before getting your hip replacement surgery done.

You Have to Lose Weight

If you are overweight, then your doctor might suggest for you to lose some weight before going through with hip replacement surgery. A lot of weight is supported by the hips, so if your hip is injured or is in a lot of pain, then you need to lose the extra weight, otherwise, your newly adjusted hip might not be able to take the weight.

You Have to Quit Smoking

Smoking is not good for any people who have bone or muscle injuries. Cigarettes contain nicotine, which can decrease the blood flow to the body. Decreased blood flow to the body can slow down the healing process and can put your recovery on a halt. If you are a heavy smoker and you can’t seem to give up on smoking, then your doctor can give you smoke-ceasing tips and remedies, which will help to alleviate your nicotine addiction. Also, intake of any drugs prior to hip replacement surgery should be ceased, otherwise, there might be several complications after the surgery.

Muscle Strength Is Important

Getting hip replacement surgery done means that you will have to make physical therapy a regular thing in your routine. Muscle and bone strength is very important if you are planning on going through with hip replacement surgery. your general physician or doctor will give you a chart or plan on how to increase the muscle strength around your hips. This will help with the pain as well as help you recover quickly after the surgery. movement is key if you want to recover quickly and if you want to get rid of the post-op pain.

You Will Not Be Able to Drive for Some Time

Driving is a tedious task for people who go through with hip replacement surgery. you need to know this prior to the surgery, because you will have to make certain arrangements for your driving. If your driving is a must after the surgery, then you might want to get someone’s help to drive you for a couple of weeks, until your hip recovers from the surgery. driving seats are very uncomfortable and they are not ideal for people who are fresh out of a hip replacement surgery. So, getting someone to drive you for some time can be a good idea.

You Might Need Help Walking

Some people can feel tremendous pain after hip replacement surgery, so much so that they find it difficult to walk even. If you find yourself in the same position, then you might want to get crutches or walking aids for some time to walk after surgery. you can use a cane, crutches or a walking stick, whatever you feel most comfortable with. You need to check in with your doctor as well, for pain medications and you need to walk using aids for some time. Walking with aids will help you to recover fast.

There you go! Now you know everything that is necessary to know about hip replacement surgery before going to a hip replacement surgeon Woodbridge.

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