July 27, 2024

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The roof is the most important part of your house. With time, it will start to deteriorate and you will need to get it fixed or entirely replaced by roofing repair companies. Furthermore, if you are planning to purchase a house, you need to properly inspect the roof for damage. Let us discuss how you can perform a proper and thorough roof inspection so that you are always on the safe side.

Inspect The Roof Gutters

The first you need to do when it comes to inspecting a roof for damage is inspecting the roof gutters. If you are getting your roof fixed and the repair service provider has the entire detailed report on the current situation of your roof, then it is a good sign that they know what they are doing. Furthermore, a contractor will always look at how the gutters are attached. The reason is that the drip edge cannot be replaced if the gutters happen to be attached through the drip edge. In addition to that, if there is a gutter guard as well, it will need to be removed to install a new drip edge, which is going to require more money and labor.

Make Sure To Inspect The Roof’s Flashing

Another important factor to check when inspecting the roof is the roof flashing. A contractor should only give you an estimate after he has properly inspected the flashing. It is not possible to tell the situation of the flashing by being on the ground. Therefore, the contractor will need to get up on the roof. If you notice that the contractor is not willing to step onto the roof, you might want to steer clear of his services because he cannot even tell the type of flashing installed. Although flashing a very small aspect of a roof but it can lead to significant damages under the surface. Therefore, it is important they are kept in good shape.

Consider Replacing The Skylights If Necessary

When it comes to re-roofing, chances are that most skylights will need to be replaced. An individual skylight can withstand 18-22 years. Therefore, if the recommendation of the contractor is the opposite, you might want to discuss it in detail. At the moment, you might think that your skyline is working fine but when it is near its life, you will find it more cost-effective and easier to replace it with the rest of your roof.

Observe The Soil Stacks Closely

The contractor should also take a look at the soil stacks closely to see any cracks or damage. This is yet another small but important part of the roof, which you do not want to replace with cheap quality alternatives. It is recommended that you use boots that last for up to 50 years. When it comes to replacing a soil stack make sure that you only opt for the best quality item. A cheap alternative will only cause more trouble down the road.

Chimney Inspection

If you are not on the roof, you cannot tell the condition of your chimney. A chimney needs to have a cricket or saddle that diverts both water and snow away. Otherwise, rain and snow during extreme weather conditions will land or slide right into the chimney causing leaks and damage. Therefore, if there is any damage to the chimney or even near it, you will need to count it in your estimate. Depending on the intensity of the damage, a contractor will offer several repair options.

Inspect The Attic

Now that the chimney, soil stacks, and other related checks have been performed, it is time to inspect the attic. A contractor should be specifically looking at the ventilation of your attic to see if there is any rotten wood. A simple inspection of the attic will give you an idea of the condition of your roof.

Final Word

A roof comprises many small and big components that require regular inspection. If you were to ignore them, you will end up paying a huge amount of money for repairs. Therefore, consider the tips mentioned above and make sure you inspect your roof or have it inspected by roof repair services, and get it fixed the right way.

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